Y20 Chaupal at JNU campus Date -12th January 2023 Yuva Diwas (3)

Y20 Chaupal at JNU campus – Yuva Diwas 2023

Team Y20 India held discussions on various issues concerning India’s G20 Presidency & the role of India’s Youth as solution providers.

Y20 India curtain raiser (8)

Union Min Anurag Thakur launches themes of Y20 summit at curtain raiser

Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Singh Thakur on Friday launched the themes of Y20 summit, logo, and website in the Curtain raiser event of Y20 Summit India in New Delhi

Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Singh Thakur on Friday launched the themes of Y20 summit, logo, and website in the Curtain raiser event of Y20 Summit India in New Delhi.

Secretary Department of Youth Affairs, GoI Meeta R. Lochan, Dr Vijay Chauthaiwale, Mentor, Y20 Secretariat, India, Anmol Sovit, Chair for the Youth 20 Engagement Group, and senior officers of the Ministry also graced the event.

India is hosting the Y20 summit for the first time. Panel Discussion on “How India can harness its youth population to be a superpower” was also held in the second session of today’s event.

During his address, Anurag Singh Thakur said, “The G20 Summit in India will bring together, 43 Heads of Delegations – the largest ever in G20 who will be participating in the final Summit in New Delhi in September this year. The G20 consists of two parallel tracks: the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track. The Sherpa Track oversees inputs from 13 Working Groups, 2 Initiatives – Research Innovation Initiative Gathering (RIIG) and G20 Empower, and various Engagement Groups. The Engagement Groups of which Youth 20 or Y20 is a part, bring together civil societies, parliamentarians, think tanks, women, youth, labour, businesses, and researchers of the G20 countries.”

He added, “the future of the world economy and humanity rests in the hands of Gen Z, today’s youth are born into a digital, globalized and constantly evolving world filled with uncertainty, immense pace, potential, and limitless possibilities! Young people are stakeholders in the present and builders of tomorrow. We have progressed across sectors with the spirit of Atma Nirbhar Bharat and Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. There is a start-up revolution in the country. It is important to remember that the Youth will inherit the future they build”.

Giving more details, the Minister said, “The Y20 Summit is a unique opportunity to allow the youth to provide constructive policy inputs and to utilize the platform to voice their opinions for the world audience. The Youth 20 India Summit brings together the trustees of our future generations from across the G20 countries to deliberate, discuss and deduce innovative, sustainable, and actionable solutions, especially in the realm of social development.

At the Y20 Summit, India will not only speak; but also provide an audience to youth from across the world, to be heard in the world’s largest democracy amongst those young leaders geared up with the baton to the future.”

Anurag Thakur also spoke about the Themes of Y20 i.e. i) Future of Work: Industry 4.0, Innovation & 21st Century skills, ii) Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Making Sustainability a way of life, iii) Peacebuilding and Reconciliation: Ushering in an era of No War, iv) Shared Future: Youth in Democracy and Governance and Health, Wellbeing & Sports: Agenda for Youth.

These priority areas of the Y20 Summit point to the urgency with which the world has to reconcile with the reality of the changing times in our quest to survive and thrive, the Minister added.

Thakur further said, “This summit provides an excellent opportunity for the youth and the world alike to shape the way we evolve. I hope you will use the Y20 opportunity to also educate us and own the responsibility of ensuring that the declaration you finally present to the G20 Leaders is one that fulfills the hopes and dreams of all the youth – rural and urban, in the developed and developing world. The Youth 20 is a brilliant way to amplify the voices of young people. The world will be listening to you very carefully. I firmly believe you are the TRUSTEES of the FUTURE who will uphold peace, ensure gender equity, mitigate climate change, spread intercultural diversity, innovate with passion and heal as you grow.”

Thakur highlighted that the youth are the AGENTs of CHANGE the world needs, Where A stands for Advocate for a cause you believe in, G stands for Go-green and embrace a sustainable lifestyle, E stands for Equality and inclusivity – ensure that the spaces you are in are diverse, intergenerational, inclusive, N stands for Nurture your physical and mental health, T stands for Tech-Innovation – leverage technology for social good and betterment of humanity to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit.

Addressing the event, Secretary Youth Affairs Meeta R. Lochan said that the activities to be undertaken by Y20 during our presidency will focus on global youth leadership and partnership. For the next 8 months, there will be Pre summits on the five Y20 themes along with various discussions and seminars at different Universities across states in India in a run-up to the final Youth-20 Summit.

For India, the G20 Presidency also marks the beginning of “Amritkaal”, the 25-year period beginning from the 75th anniversary of its independence on 15 August 2022, leading up to the centenary of its independence, towards a futuristic, prosperous, inclusive, and developed society, distinguished by a human-centric approach at its core. India is playing a significant role in finding workable solutions at the international level to ensure holistic well-being embodying the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Source: https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/union-min-anurag-thakur-launches-themes-of-y20-summit-at-curtain-raiser-123010700075_1.html?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&s=08#Echobox=1673064460

Y20 India curtain raiser (6)

Today’s young stakeholders, builders of tomorrow: Anurag

Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Thakur on Friday launched themes, logo and website of the Y20 summit at a curtain-raiser event of the summit being held for the first time in India.

Speaking on the occasion, the minister said, “The future of the world economy and humanity rests in the hands of the Gen Z, today’s youth are born into a digital, globalised and constantly evolving world filled with uncertainty, immense pace, potential and limitless possibilities.”

“Young people are stakeholders in the present and builders of tomorrow. We have progressed across sectors with the spirit of Atma Nirbhar Bharat and Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. There is a start-up revolution in the country. It is important to remember that the Youth will inherit the future they build,” he said.

The minister said, “The Y20 Summit is a unique opportunity to allow the youth to provide constructive policy inputs and to utilise the platform to voice their opinions for the world audience.”

The Summit brings together “the trustees of our future generations from across the G20 countries to deliberate, discuss and deduce innovative, sustainable and actionable solutions especially in the realm of social development,” he told a packed Akashvani Rang Bhawan.

Thakur said: “At the Y20 Summit, India will not only speak; but also provide an audience to youth from across the world, to be heard in the world’s largest democracy amongst those young leaders geared up with the baton to the future.”

“The Youth Summit is a unique opportunity to present your vision and idea and come up with a series of recommendations which will be submitted to the G20 leaders,” he told the young delegates at the ceremony.

Thakur announced the themes of the Summit as “Future of Work: Industry 4.0, Innovation & 21st Century skills, ii) Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Making Sustainability a way of life, iii) Peacebuilding and Reconciliation: Ushering in an era of No War, iv) Shared Future: Youth in Democracy and Governance and Health, Wellbeing & Sports: Agenda for Youth.”

“These priority areas of the Y20 Summit point to the urgency with which the world has to reconcile with the reality of the changing times in our quest to survive and thrive,” the minister added.

The future of the world economy and humanity lies in the hands of the young. Today, the young are restless and ready to make an impact in the world right here and right now.

Indian youth too is fast emerging as pioneers and fast adapters of new technology.

The Indian youth is leveraging technology and have adopted the start-up culture, providing pragmatic solutions to socio-economic problems. There is much to learn from mutual experiences during the Y20 Summit.

Thakur said it is a historic moment for India as it has been given the Presidency of the G20 nations’ group under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. For the first time, heads of 43 delegations will participate in the G20 Summit in India, the largest number in the G20 history, in September this year.

He said the G20 events will be held all over India to allow the delegates to have the flavour of Indian diversity and history, and a glimpse of India’s rapidly transforming nation.

Thakur said, “I hope you will use the Y20 opportunity to also educate us and own the responsibility of ensuring that the declaration you finally present to the G20 Leaders is one that fulfils the hopes and dreams of all the youth – rural and urban, in the developed and developing world.”

Addressing the event, Youth Affairs Secretary Meeta R Lochan said activities to be undertaken by Y20 during the Indian presidency will focus on global youth leadership and partnership.

For the next eight months, there will be Pre summits on the five Y20 themes along with various discussions and seminars at different Universities across states in India in a run-up to the final Youth-20 Summit.

Present at the ceremony were Mentor, Y20 Secretariat, India Dr Vijay Chauthaiwale; Chair for the Youth 20 Engagement Group Anmol Sovit, and senior officers of the Ministry. A panel Discussion on “How India can harness its youth population to be a superpower” was also held in the second session of today’s event.

Source: https://www.thestatesman.com/india/todays-young-stakeholders-builders-of-tomorrow-anurag-1503144559.html/amp


Y20 समिट क्या है? जिसके लोगो और वेबसाइट को खेल मंत्री अनुराग ठाकुर ने लांच किया

युवा कार्यक्रम और खेल मंत्री अनुराग सिंह ठाकुर ने आज नई दिल्ली में Y20 समिट इंडिया के कर्टेन रेजर इवेंट में Y20 समिट की थीम, लोगो और वेबसाइट को लॉन्च किया है. भारत पहली बार Y20 समिट की मेजबानी कर रहा है.

Y20 Summit: युवा कार्यक्रम और खेल मंत्री अनुराग सिंह ठाकुर ने आज नई दिल्ली में Y20 समिट इंडिया के कर्टेन रेजर इवेंट में Y20 समिट की थीम, लोगो और वेबसाइट को लॉन्च किया है. भारत पहली बार Y20 समिट की मेजबानी कर रहा है.

इसके आयोजन का मुख्य फोकस विश्व भर के यंग लीडर को एक प्लेटफार्म पर लाना और बेहतर भविष्य के लिये एक लिए एक बेहतर एजेंडा तैयार करना है. 

क्या है Y20 समिट?

Y20, G20 के तहत एक ऑफिसियल यंग ग्रुप है, जो G20 देशों के युवाओं को एक बेहतर प्लेटफार्म प्रदान करता है.  
इस यूथ20 इंगेजमेंट ग्रुप में भारत का मुख्य फोकस G20 सहित विश्व के युवा लीडरों को एक मंच प्रदान करना है, जहाँ से वह अपने विचारों का आदान प्रदान कर सके.

Y20 समिट इंडिया, हाइलाइट्स:

इस आयोजन के तहत पॉलिसी रिकमेन्डेशन को Y20 शिखर सम्मेलन में सार्वजनिक रूप घोषित किया जाता है. साथ ही इसे G20 समिट के दौरान वर्ल्ड लीडर के सामने प्रस्तुत किया जाता है. 

अगले 8 महीनों के दौरान भारत में मुख्य Y20 समिट इंडिया से पहले, देश के विभिन्न राज्यों के विश्वविद्यालयों में युवाओं से जुड़े विभिन्न कार्यक्रम आयोजित किये जायेंगे साथ ही यूथ-20 से सम्बंधित पांच विषयों पर कई कार्यक्रम आयोजित किये जायेंगे.

भारत की अध्यक्षता के दौरान Y-20 की एक्टिविटी ग्लोबल यूथ लीडरशिप और साझेदारी पर केंद्रित होंगी.   

Y20 समिट का उद्देश्य:

Y20 समिट का मुख्य उद्देश्य विश्वस्तर पर यूथ इंगेजमेंट को बढ़ावा देना है. इस मंच से G20 देशों के यूथ सहित भारत द्वारा आमंत्रित गेस्ट कंट्री के यूथ भी अपने विचारों और अनुभवों को साझा कर सकेंगे. 

ऐसे कार्यक्रमों के योजना से यूथ जनरेशन में लीडरशिप का विकास होगा, जो उन्हें आगे चलकर अपने देश या किसी बड़े संगठन के नेतृत्व के लिए तैयार करेंगे.

भारत की G20 की अध्यक्षता:

वर्ष 2023 में भारत G20 की अध्यक्षता कर रहा है. जिसके तहत भारत में G20 के मुख्य आयोजन के ईतर विभिन्न अन्य सम्मेलनों का आयोजन किया जा रहा है. इन्ही आयोजनों के तहत Y20 समिट का भी आयोजन किया जायेगा. 

भारत की G-20 की अध्यक्षता ‘अमृतकाल’ के प्रारंभ का भी प्रतीक है. अमृतकाल 15 अगस्त 2022 को भारत की स्वतंत्रता की 75वीं वर्षगांठ से शुरू हुआ है. जो 25 साल की अवधि यानी स्वतंत्रता की शताब्दी वर्ष तक मनाया जाएगा.   

Source: https://www.jagranjosh.com/hindi/anurag-singh-thakur-launches-the-theme-and-logo-of-y20-summit-1673011111?s=08

Y20 India curtain raiser (8)

Thakur launches themes, website & logo of Y20 Summit

NEW DELHI: Union minister Anurag Thakur on Friday launched the themes of Y20 summit, logo and website at the Y20 Summit India’s curtain raiser event here.

He said the future of the world economy and humanity rests in the hands of the Gen Z and young people are stakeholders in the present and builders of tomorrow.

“The Y20 Summit is a unique opportunity to allow the youth to provide constructive policy inputs and to utilise the platform to voice their opinions for the world audience. The Youth 20 India Summit brings together the trustees of our future generations from across the G20 countries to deliberate, discuss and deduce innovative, sustainable and actionable solutions especially in the realm of social development. At the Y20 Summit, India will not only speak; but also provide an audience to youth from across the world, to be heard in the world’s largest democracy amongst those young leaders geared up with the baton to the future,” he said.

He said he was hopeful the youth will use the Y20 opportunity to educate and own the responsibility of ensuring that the final presented to G20 leaders is one that “fulfils the hopes and dreams of all the youth — rural and urban, in the developed and developing world”.

“The Youth 20 is a brilliant way to amplify the voices of young people. The world will be listening to you very carefully. I firmly believe you are the TRUSTEES of the FUTURE who will uphold peace, ensure gender equity, mitigate climate change, spread intercultural diversity, innovate with passion and a heal as you grow,” Thakur said.

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/thakur-launches-themes-website-logo-of-y20-summit/articleshow/96803326.cms

Y20 India curtain raiser (6)

The future of the world economy and humanity rests in the hands of the youth: Shri Anurag Singh Thakur

Union Minister Shri Anurag Singh Thakur launches the themes of Y20 summit, logo and website in the curtain raiser event of Y20 Summit India

India will not only speak; but also provide an audience to youth from across the world at the Y20 Summit to be heard: Shri Anurag Thakur

“Youth will inherit the future they build”

Key Highlights:

  • The Y20(Youth-20) Summit is a unique opportunity to allow the youth to provide constructive policy inputs and to utilise the platform to voice their opinions for the world audience: Union Minister of Youth Affairs ad Sports
  • For the next 8 months, there will be Pre summits on the five Y20(Youth 20) themes along with various discussions and seminars at different Universities across states in India in a run up to the final Youth-20 Summit

Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Anurag Singh Thakur launched the themes of Y20 summit, logo and website in the Curtain raiser event of Y20 Summit India today in New Delhi. Secretary Department of Youth Affairs, GoI Smt. Meeta R. Lochan, Dr Vijay Chauthaiwale, Mentor, Y20 Secretariat, India, Anmol Sovit, Chair for the Youth 20 Engagement Group and senior officers of the Ministry also graced the event. India is hosting the Y20 summit for the first time. Panel Discussion on “How India can harness its youth population to be a superpower” was also held in the second session of today’s event.

During his address Shri Anurag Singh Thakur said, “The G20 Summit in India will bring together, 43 Heads of Delegations – the largest ever in G20 who will be participating in the final Summit in New Delhi in September this year. The G20 consists of two parallel tracks: the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track. The Sherpa Track oversees inputs from 13 Working Groups, 2 Initiatives – Research Innovation Initiative Gathering (RIIG) and G20 Empower, and various Engagement Groups. The Engagement Groups of which Youth 20 or Y20 is a part, brings together civil societies, parliamentarians, think tanks, women, youth, labour, businesses and researchers of the G20 countries.”

Shri Thakur added, “the future of the world economy and humanity rests in the hands of the Gen Z, today’s youth are born into a digital, globalized and constantly evolving world filled with uncertainty, immense pace, potential and limitless possibilities! Young people are stakeholders in the present and builders of tomorrow. We have progressed across sectors with the spirit of Atma Nirbhar Bharat and Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. There is a start-up revolution in the country. It is important to remember that the Youth will inherit the future they build”.

Giving more details, the Minister said, “The Y20 Summit is a unique opportunity to allow the youth to provide constructive policy inputs and to utilise the platform to voice their opinions for the world audience. The Youth 20 India Summit brings together the trustees of our future generations from across the G20 countries to deliberate, discuss and deduce innovative, sustainable and actionable solutions especially in the realm of social development. At the Y20 Summit, India will not only speak; but also provide an audience to youth from across the world, to be heard in the world’s largest democracy amongst those young leaders geared up with the baton to the future.”

Shri Anurag Thakur also talked about the Themes of Y20 ie i) Future of Work: Industry 4.0, Innovation & 21st Century skills, ii) Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Making Sustainability a way of life, iii) Peacebuilding and Reconciliation: Ushering in an era of No War, iv) Shared Future: Youth in Democracy and Governance and Health, Wellbeing &Sports: Agenda for Youth. These priorities areas of the Y20 Summit point to the urgency with which the world has to reconcile with the reality of the changing times in our quest to survive and thrive, the Minister added.

Shri Thakur further said, “This summit provides an excellent opportunity for the youth and the world alike to shape the way we evolve. I hope you will use the Y20 opportunity to also educate us and own the responsibility of ensuring that the declaration you finally present to the G20 Leaders is one that fulfils the hopes and dreams of all the youth – rural and urban, in the developed and developing world. The Youth 20 is a brilliant way to amplify the voices of young people. The world will be listening to you very carefully. I firmly believe you are the TRUSTEES of the FUTURE who will uphold peace, ensure gender equity, mitigate climate change, spread intercultural diversity, innovate with passion and a heal as you grow.”

Shri Thakur highlighted that the youth are the AGENTs of CHANGE the world needs, Where A stands for: Advocate for a cause you believe in, G stands for: Go-green and embrace a sustainable lifestyle, E stands for: Equality and inclusivity – ensure that the spaces you are in are diverse, intergenerational, inclusive, N stand for: Nurture your physical and mental health, T stands for: Tech-Innovation – leverage technology for social good and betterment of humanity to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit.

Addressing at the event, Secretary Youth Affairs Smt. Meeta R. Lochan said that the activities to be undertaken by Y20 during our presidency will focus on global youth leadership and partnership. For the next 8 months, there will be Pre summits on the five Y20 themes along with various discussions and seminars at different Universities across states in India in a run up to the final Youth-20 Summit.

For India, the G20 Presidency also marks the beginning of “Amritkaal”, the 25-year period beginning from the 75th anniversary of its independence on 15 August 2022, leading up to the centenary of its independence, towards a futuristic, prosperous, inclusive and developed society, distinguished by a human-centric approach at its core. India is playing a significant role in finding workable solutions at the international level to ensure holistic well-being embodying the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Related tweets:

Source: https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1888811

Y20 India curtain raiser (7)

Y20 Summit India: अनुराग ठाकुर ने Y20 समिट इंडिया के लोगो, वेबसाइट और थीम को किया लॉन्च, कही ये बड़ी बात

Y20 Summit India: युवा मामले और खेल मंत्री अनुराग सिंह ठाकुर ने गुरुवार को नई दिल्ली में Y20 समिट इंडिया के कर्टेन रेजर इवेंट में Y20 समिट की थीम, लोगो और वेबसाइट लॉन्च की। इस मौके पर उन्होंने कहा कि यह शिखर सम्मेलन युवाओं और विश्व को हमारे विकास के तरीके को आकार देने के लिए समान रूप प्रदान करेगा। ठाकुर बोले, ‘मुझे आशा है कि आप हमें शिक्षित करने के लिए Y20 अवसर का उपयोग करेंगे।’ बता दें कि भारत पहली बार Y20 समिट की मेजबानी कर रहा है और Y20 एक ऐसा मंच है जो युवाओं को G20 प्राथमिकताओं पर अपने दृष्टिकोण और विचारों को व्यक्त करने की स्वतंत्रता देता है।

Y20 शिखर सम्मेलन क्या है?

भारत पहली बार Y20 शिखर सम्मेलन की मेजबानी कर रहा है। यूथ 20 एंगेजमेंट ग्रुप में, भारत का मुख्य फोकस दुनिया भर के युवा नेताओं को एक साथ लाना और बेहतर कल के लिए विचारों पर चर्चा करना और काम के लिए एक एजेंडा तैयार करना है। भारत की अध्यक्षता के दौरान Y20 द्वारा की जाने वाली गतिविधियां वैश्विक युवा नेतृत्व और साझेदारी पर केंद्रित होंगी। अंतिम यूथ-20 शिखर सम्मेलन के क्रम में, अगले आठ महीनों के लिए, देश भर के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों में विभिन्न चर्चाओं और सेमिनारों के साथ पांच वाई20 विषयों पर पूर्व शिखर सम्मेलन होंगे।

यूथ 20 (Y20) जी20 का आधिकारिक युवा जुड़ाव समूह है। यह एक मंच प्रदान करता है जो युवाओं को G20 प्राथमिकताओं पर अपनी दृष्टि और विचार व्यक्त करने की अनुमति देता है। राजधानी दिल्ली में Y20 समिट इंडिया के कर्टेन रेजर इवेंट को दो सत्रों में बांटा गया है। पहले में जहां थीम इत्यादि का विमोचन किया तो दूसरे में पैनल डिस्कशन हुआ है। बता दें कि भारत इस साल जी20 की अध्यक्षता कर रहा है।

Source: https://hindi.news24online.com/india/y20-summit-india-anurag-thakur-launched-the-logo-website-and-theme-of-y20-summit-india-said-this-big-thing/124451/amp/


Union Minister Anurag Thakur reviews preparation of Y20 group meeting in Guwahati

The inception meeting of the Youth20 Group shall be held in Guwahati from February 6 to February 8

GUWAHATI: The inception meeting of the Youth20 Group shall be held in Guwahati from February 6 to February 8. This is the first of the various summits to be held on the five Y20 themes at different Universities across states in India in a run up to the final Youth-20 Summit. In connection to review the preparation of the inception meeting, the minister visited the various venues for the Y20 events, like IIT Guwahati, Sankardev Kalakshetra etc and held discussions with officials of the State Government and other stakeholders.

He stressed on active participation of youths in the event, where cultural tradition will be exchanged and review will be done on subjects like peace process, conflict zone etc.

“The G20 Summit 2023 to be hosted by India in the time of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ is itself a matter of pride. Through the event it will be showcased how India is the mother of democracy, how India has done remarkable job in various sectors being a big democracy and what India is going to do in future. In this connection the first meeting of Y20 group of youths will be held at Guwahati from February 6 to February 8,” Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting and Youth Affairs & Sports, Anurag Singh Thakur said on Thursday while visiting Guwahati to review the Y20 inception meeting.

India is hosting the Y20 summit for the first time. More than 250 delegates from across the world are expected to participate in the 3-day event in Assam. The Y20 India Summit in 2023 would exemplify India’s youth-centric efforts and provide an opportunity to showcase its values and policy measures so that India’s leadership of this summit can stand out among the youth cohort. The themes selected for the summit will showcase Indian leadership on these issues to both global and domestic audiences and help fulfill India’s vision of making the G20 summit truly participative in nature.

Youth20 is one of the eight official engagement groups under the G20 umbrella. The G20 rotating presidency bears the responsibility of hosting the youth summit, which usually takes place some weeks prior to the traditional forum to know what the youths are thinking and incorporate their suggestions in their own policy proposals. It is an attempt to create a connecting point between G20 governments and their local youth.

Union Minister will also launch the themes of Y20 summit, logo and website in the curtain raiser event of Y20 Summit India on Friday at Akashwani Rang Bhawan, New Delhi, stated a press release.

Source: https://www.sentinelassam.com/north-east-india-news/assam-news/union-minister-anurag-thakur-reviews-preparation-of-y20-group-meeting-in-guwahati-631767